
"CMSImport saved me hours of work. I’ll definitely use it again when I need to import data into Umbraco"

Martijn Beumers, Axendo


Hang out with us

December 12, 2013

We love our products and we love to demo those. We do that at conferences, meetups and sometimes onsite if your company is located in the Netherlands. During demo's we get a ton of feedback that gets implemented in the products.

Demo via Google Hangout

Starting next week we want to give demo's via Google hangout on a regular basis. We schedule a hangout for a particular product and if you think the demo for that particular product is interesting you can participate in that hangout. The max amount of participants is 6 to keep things interactive.

SEO Checker Hangout

The first hangout is scheduled Wednesday 18 December 16:00 GMT +1 and will be about SEO Checker, a tool that helps you improve your Umbraco website SEO. The following topics will be covered:

  • Technical SEO validation of the site.
  • Optimize content for certain keywords.
  • Solve canonical issues.
  • Enable url-rewriting, multi lingual not found pages, Robots.txt and XML Sitemaps with a few mouse clicks.
  • Redirect management.
  • How can you monitor your SEO when the site is live.

Please let us know if you want to participate in the hangout by sending us an email. We hope to meet you online next Wednesday!