Export members

Export members

Member export is the tool to export members from Umbraco

Lightning fast

Lightning fast

Exports thousands of members in seconds

Query data

Query data

Using the query builder you can query and sort data before export.

Supports Excel

Supports Excel

Member export pro allows you to export to an Excel file

Member export

MemberExport Pro helps you export members from your Umbraco installation to an Excel or Csv file. It's also possible to save the export options  steps for later use .


MemberExport PRO can export thousands of members in a few seconds.

Free version:
The free version of Member export is limited to export 200 records and you don't have the functionality the PRO version offers.

Commercial License:
With the commercial PRO version you can use all Member export features. We have three license types available.


€ 249,00

With a single domain license you are allowed to use Memberexport for a single domain and all subdomains, such as www.example.com, accept.example.com, and local.example.com.


€ 749,00

You are allowed to install Memberexport  a single physical web server, and use it for unlimited Umbraco instances on that server.


€ 1.125,00

You are allowed to install Memberexport on unlimited production web servers, and use it for unlimited Umbraco instances that your company developed.

System Requirements
Member export (Pro) is compatible with Umbraco versions 8, to V14+ .

Member export (PRO) will only work with the default Umbraco Membership!

Upgrade policy:

  • Free lifetime updates for domain licenses
  • Free updates of server and unlimited licenses for a major release within one year of purchase.
  • Free updates for all minor releases within a major release.  For example, if you purchased a server, or unlimited 2.0 version of Member export, you get free updates of all 2.x versions.