Release notes

Version 14 Major Release

  • Upgrade to Umbraco V14

Version 13 Major Release

  •  Added support for V13
  •  Updated to .NET 8
  •  Breaking Appsettings schema support (when you configured appsettings for MemberExport)

Version 12 Major Release

  • Support for Umbraco V12

Version 10 Major Release

  • Support for Umbraco V10

Version 9.1 Release

Version 9.0.0

      • Added support for Umbraco V9

Version 3.84

      • License file location resepects UmbracoLicensesDirectory web.config key.

Version 3.8.3

      • Added MNTP support to export names instead of UDI

Version 3.8.2

      • Fixed Custom property relation error

Version 3.8.1

      • Support for Umbraco V8.1.
      • Breaking: Removed support for older versions.

Version 3

      • Added querybuilder.
      • UI updated to Angular.
      • Breaking change MemberExport requires Umbraco V7.7+
      • Breaking change removed ability to create own Export providers.

Version 2.8.2

      • Added support for decimal datatype in Umbraco 7.4.
      • Fixed memberproperties YSOD on Umbraco 7.4.

Version 2.8.1

      • Fixed installer to install trees correctly on 6.2.5 +.
      • Fixed SQL error when no membergroups are defined.
      • Fixed PackageAction dll missing on NuGet package.

Version 2.8

      • Added Create copy option for save to support "save as".
      • Updated Converted UI buttons in V7 to Belle Layout.
      • Fixed Membergroups don't output anything unless the mebers is assigned to all groups.
      • Fixed Fields are empty when exporting data for last login date and last password change.
      • Fixed No node exists with id exception on Umbraco V6+ using MNTP.

Version 2.7.1

      • Fixed Unable to cast object of type YSOD on Umbraco V4/V6

Version 2.7

      • Fixed Unable to export in SQL CE.
      • Fixed Custom properties can break in V7.
      • Changed datatypeid on IValueParser to string (Breaking change when you wrote your own Value parsers).
      • Add Value parsers for Checkbox,dropdown,Multiple dropdown and radioBox Property editors in V7

Version 2.6

      • Added option to exclude fixed properties from the export options screen
      • Fixed membership provider that inherits from Umbraco membership provider shows not supported message
      • Added options to export membertype and membergroups
      • Fixed: Force export being UTF-8
      • Fixed: Azure compatible database create script.

Version 2.5.1

      • Added support for the new Membership API in 6.2 and 7.1

Version 2.5

      • Added support for Umbraco V7
      • Dropped support for Umbraco 4.0
      • Fixed when there is no data to export the column names are available in the Excel sheet

Version 2.0.3

      • It's now possible to export all members with or without groups assigned.

Version 2.0.2

      • Added new licensing dll to support both Deli as our own licensing system

Version 2.0.1

      • Added support for MNTP in Umbraco V4.8
      • Fixed: Command timeout when having more than 30 properties
      • Updated Umbraco License DLL


      • Added support for Excel
      • Added an export provider model
      • Added support to implement your own valueparsers
      • Fixed unicode issues in csv export


    • Added support for SqlServer CE V4
    • All export checkboxes are selected by default
    • MemberExport will export textvalues instead of ids in case of the following datatypes:
      • Checkbox
      • Dropdown
      • Multi Node Tree Picker (Ucomponents)
      • MultiDropdown
      • Radiobuttons
      • Ultimate picker