Release notes
13.1.4 Bugfix release
- Fixed Object reference error with media from RTE.
13.1.2 Bugfix release
- Fixed Import content for later Wordpess export formats
- Updated Umbraco dependency to 13.1.1
13.1.1 Bugfix release
- Fixed BulkImport notifications
13.1 Update release
- Updated Sql Client and Closed Xml Dependencies to latest version
- Ensured manifest file from previous version is deleted on install.
13.0.1 BugfixrRelease
- Fix Records deleted when Skip is selected as update action and delete records no longer in datasource is enabled
13 Major Release
- Added support for Umbraco V13
- Updated to .NET 8
- BlockGrid and BlockList support
- Improved UI for field validation
- Improved UI for confirm screen
- Breaking Added AppSettings Schema support. Breaking change change when you configured appsettings fpr CMSImport.
12.0.1 Bugfix release
- Fix Records deleted when Skip is selected as update action and delete records no longer in datasource is enabled
12 Release
- Support For Umbraco V12
- Added support for IsApproved on member import
- Fixed Casing Viewlocation bug
- Fixed Scheduled task doesn't execute
- Fixed Member could not login with imported credentials
- Fixed Secure settings SMTP not respected
- Runs on Umbraco 11
- .net 7 Support
- Fix Records deleted when Skip is selected as update action and delete records no longer in datasource is enabled
- Added support for IsApproved on member import
- Fixed Casing Viewlocation bug
- Fixed Scheduled task doesn't execute
10.0.4 Release
- Fixed Member could not login with imported credentials
10.0.3 Release
- Fixed Secure settings SMTP not respected
10.0.2 Release
- Added: When Primary key is a GUID value map that to document Id
- Fixed JSON provider doesn't work when no JSONPath ios given
- Fixed: JSON Path title was incorrect
10 Major Release
- Support for Umbraco V10
9.2 Release
- Added: When Primary key is a GUID value map that to document Id
- Fixed JSON provider doesn't work when no JSONPath ios given
- Fixed: JSON Path title was incorrect
9.1 Release
- Updated Config for appsettings
- Fixed LicensePath issues
- Fixed Advanced mapping issues.
9.0 Major release
- Breaking change: Net 5.0 support
- Breaking change: Config moved to appsettings.config
- Breaking change: No longer allowed to upload as Umbraco package
- Breaking change: Namespaces changed, only breaking when you extend CMSImport.
- Update: Settings are no longer set via UI.
4.2.2 Bugfix release
- Fixed License not recognized when uploading from dashboard and have UmbracoLicensesDirectory configured
4.2.2 Bugfix release
- Fixed: License Upload fails sometimes
- Fixed; Danish Language file contains an XML error.
4.2.1 Bugfix release
- Added support for UmbracoLicensesDirectory web.config key.
- Fixed; Cancel events doesn't cancel import
4.2 Upgrade release
- Added support for the new Umbraco MediaPicker
- Fixed When Update is disabled, primary key shouldn't be validated
- Fixed Can't assign format to createdata of member
4.1.1 Bugfix release
- Make sure Advanced field providers respect Cancel propery of Fieldproviders
4.1 Upgrade release
- Added: recordskipped event for records that were canceled during import
- Added: DefinitionName on model when saving state.
- Fixed: Can't login with imported password.
- Fixed: Boolean Must accept True/False values as well.
- Fixed: Structured data for dictionary items fail.
- Fixed: When Image folder is specified Media import can't find files.
- Fixed: Membergroup view not in Umbraco package.
- Fixed: Assign Membergroups show System.Collections.Generic.List`in confirmstep.
- Fixed: Duplicate Items in mapping.
4.0 Major release
- Support for Umbraco V8.5+
- Breaking changes: Will not work with older Umbraco versions and Legacy custom code will Not Work
3.7.8. Bugfix release
- Fixed: Udi parsers fails sometimes
- Fixed: Skip and Take of records added to UmbracoMemberimportprovider
- Fixed: Wordpress namespaces in wordpress dataprovider
- Fixed: Delete Members not in datasource is using legacy member API
- Fixed: Value for ContentPicker2 property editor should be null when no relation is found
3.7.7. Bugfix release
- Fixed: Media property validator for Umbraco Media resolver.
Fixed: JSONPath array issue with the JSON Dataprovider.
Fixed: Determine to use Udi or Id in Umbraco data provider.
Fixed: Case senstive issue when assigning role to member.
Fixed: Link resolver in Umbraco dataprovider should work for ContentPicker2 and MNTP2.
3.7.6 Bugfix release
- Fixed: Umbraco import provider should support Umbraco.ImageCropper.
- Fixed: Media Picker doesn't link to folder since UDI support in Umbraco.
- Fixed: IsMedia throws exception on MNTP Afvanced settings control.
- Fixed: Add support for compositions in Umbraco data import provider.
- Fixed: Set default Id information in Umbraco Content data provider.
- Fixed: Multiple media picker using Umbraco Import provider doesn't work.
3.7.5 Bugfix release
- Fixed Increase Command timout for sql server.
- Fixed Default boolean value works with true/false property editor.
- Fixed Default value gets ignored when creating a document.
- Added Caching of contenttype info to increase performance
- Added mapping for Merchello "is shippable" property.
3.7.4 Bugfix release
- Fixed MUltiNodeTreePicker2 Fieldprovider not hit.
- Fixed MUltiNodeTreePicker2 is not recognized for media import.
- Fixed Umbraco import provider can't find the old media.
3.7.3 Bugfix release
- Added FieldProvider for Umbraco.MulitipleDropDown field
- Added UDI Attribute on images in Rich Text editor
- Fixed UDI is not set correctly on initial import
- Fixed localization for US language
3.7.2 Bugfix release
- Fixed mediapicker2 UDI issue
- Add message on use membership provider when 7.6+ is used
- Fixed Umbraco import provider media import has issues when import path is in /media
3.7.1 Bugfix release
- Added support for ContentPicker2 and Mediapicker2 (Umbraco 7.6+) property editors
- Fixed Dropdownlist uses alias of prevalue instead of text
- Fixed Scheduled task doesn't run for creating documents
- Fixed Make Merchello provider compatible with Merchello 2.5 (requires Merchello import provider)
3.7 Update release
- Added Merchello provider
- Added Membership import provider
- Fixed Media item can't be imported from cropped image field
- Fixed Make alias protected on Data and import provider
3.6 Update release
- Updated Log import result in Umbraco Logfile see
- Added CancelMessage to recordimporting event.
3.5.3 Bugfix release
- Fixed Cropper JSON in Image source of Rich text editor.
- Fixed CustomId column is missing on SQL CE database not deployed in 3.5.2.
3.5.2 Bugfix release
- Added Xpath Dropdownlist support in Umbraco Dataprovider.
- Added option to import selected parent umbraco node also.
- Fixed Image cropper bug.
- Fixed CustomId error during import on SQLCe database.
- Fixed JArray gives error in JSON Dataprovider.
3.5.1 Bugfix release
- Fixed relation error in content import.
- Updated license dll.
3.5 Update release
- Added Merchello support (Requires separate dataprovider).
- Added Additional separator option to cmsimport config.
- Added Media support for Umbraco.ImageCropper.
- Added import feedback message on Import Dashboard.
- Fixed Can't use https url in filepicker of dataprovider.
- Fixed MySql dataprovider Connection closed during import.
- Fixed Remove cropper dimensions from url during import to avoid duplicates.
- Fixed Url is missing when updating media item from rich text field.
- Improved relation for structured content in Umbraco data provider.
3.4 Update release
- Added JSON Dataprovider (v7 only and requires a separate package file).
- Added NuPicker support (v7 only and requires a separate package file).
- Fixed validate media location for advanced settings of rich text editor.
- Fixed duplicate media items get inserted when using umbraco importer.
- Fixed created content node for new records needs to be deleted when in error state.
- Fixed Hide file upload field in Import dahboard for urls.
- Fixed Missing properties due doctype change in wizard should not block validation.
3.3.1 Bugfix release
- Added Decimal support for Umbraco V7.4 +.
- Updated license dll.
- Fixed CheckboxList Umbraco provider doesn't return all values.
- Fixed Duplicate tags get inserted (Umbraco 7.3+).
- Fixed PropertyRepository throws error when ContentType alias is also a membertype alias.
- Fixed PropertyRepository throws error when retrieving properties Umbraco 7.4+.
- Fixed Media import error in scheduled task.
- Added additional MySql dataprovider (Separate download).
3.3 Update release
- Updated Url picker to connect to authenticated data sources.
- Added support for Memberpicker in Umbraco dataprovider.
- Fixed Tree not synced correctly.
- Fixed FieldLength error when importing Members using the Umbraco dataprovider.
- Fixed Dictionary import fails when Parent column is not mapped.
- Fixed Increase timeout on sqlserver import helper.
- Fixed MediaResolver doesn't work for memberimport.
- Fixed deleted media references in old umbraco site breaks media import.
- Fixed Dashboard upload zip doesn't respect folder structure.
3.2 Update release
- Breaking change. add a Break option to FieldProvideroptions, once set import should stop processing other Fieldproviders. Only breaking for custom field providers
- Fixed. Copy option should not be visible for new definitions.
- Fixed. Install trees correctly on 6.2.x+.
- Fixed. $site is not working in xpath.
- Improved. Remember contenttype settings in Umbraco dataprovider when changing datasource (Umbraco Dataprovider).
- Improved. Finding relations (Umbraco Dataprovider).
3.1.2 Bugfix release
- Fixed: Advanced settings are missing for date controls in V7.
- Fixed: Advanced settings not available for boolean fields.
- Fixed: Deleted old aspx files in packages.
- Fixed: Delete old records doesn't work when skip is selected.
- Fixed: Media can't be imported from rich text with query parameter appended.
- Fixed: Media items can't be resolved from old Umbraco environment (Umbraco dataprovider).
- Fixed: Link to old Umbraco node could not be resolved (Umbraco dataprovider).
V3.1.1 Bugfix release
- Fixed Nuget package was missing CMSImportScheduler.config
- Fixed.Createdate gets reset after publish.
V3.1 Update release
- Added MySQL Support.
- Added SQL CE Support.
- Added NUGet Support.
- Added publish and expire data to content import(Umbraco provider).
- Fixed Password not stored correctly on Umbraco V6.2.x.
- Fixed Update on empty fields are not updated.
- Fixed Invalid column name 'controlId' error when import from Umbraco 7.2.1 (Umbraco provider).
V3.0.1 BugFix release
- Fixed Scheduler throws exception on long running imports.
- Fixed MNTP Advanced setting is not recognized in V7.
- Fixed Sometimes duplicate column exception when import from Umbraco Content DataSource.
- Added providers for Teacommerce and uWebshop import
V3 Major release
- Architecture update
- Much faster imports.
- Showing progress messages during import.
- More consistent layout.
- Umbraco V7 is not using the old icons anymore.
- More robust scheduled tasks.
- Support for dictionary import.
- Support for importing Umbraco data from a different environment.
- Added option to automatically delete records that are no longer in the data source.
- Breaking change dropped support for Umbraco version 4.
- Breaking change removed Umbraco.licensing.dll (Deli).
- Breaking API change event signature change.
- Breaking API change DataAdapter is now Data Provider and structure changed.
- Breaking API change Field providers signature change.
- Map Media file types in settings.
- Check if property is changed before save.
- Added option to store passwords as clear text.
- Fixed Create date is working again.
- Fixed Delete button on content picker throws error in Umbraco V7.
2.5.3 Bugfix release
- Added support for uTagsy in V7.
- Fixed MNTP media doesn't work in V7.
- Fixed LoginName string is used when creating a member.
- Fixed MNTP xmpath doesn't work.
- Fixed images don't get picker up when not starting with /.
2.5.2 Bugfix release
- yes/no support for boolean columns
- Support for MNTP in Umbraco V7
- xls instead of xlsx file extensionthrows invalid signature error
2.5.1 Bugfix release
- Added Support for V7 content picker.
- Fixed HTMLAgilityPack conflict on Umbraco V7.
- Fixed Can't change member type.
- Fixed install script on Azure.
- Fixed Wordpress categopries and tags could be recognized.
- Fixed Image thumbs don't get generated when extension is in uppercase.
2.5 Update release
- Umbraco V7 compatibility
- Replaced FieldAdpaters with FieldProviders, Old field adapters will still work
- Removed data type selection from configuration screen
- Removed Import here option from content node.
2.4 Update release
- Improved field validation for Umbraco V6.x
- Multi node picker lookup support for content
- Import and assign media folders support.
- Support for uBlogsy V3
- Added extra Wordpress and BlogML Data adapters (before update install the additional Data adapters packages if you used them in previous versions). Wordpress pages are supported also.
- References to files and content are removed when you add items to recylce bin instead of deleting items from recylce bin
- Removed create date mapping for Umbraco V6 since that will be ignored by the API.
- Introduced BulkImport events in the API
2.3.3 Update release
- Added new licensing dll to support both Deli as our own licensing system
2.3.2 Update release
- Fix Recursive import doesn't work on a child import definition.
- Fix Value from Tags datatype doesn't get assigned
- Fix Null Values throw errors in Umbraco V6
- Fix Autopublish causing weird update behaviours in Umbraco V6
- Fix Rss feed needs file upload in Dashboard for editors
- Fix URL option doesn't work with wordpress and BlogML
- Add option XML DataAdapter can determine if child nodes need to be imported as Text or xml
2.3.1 Update release
- Fixed Umbraco V6 compatibility issues
2.3 Update release:
- Added HTML decode option on rich text editor.
- Added refresh option on every tree node.
- Better error messages in case of duplicate column headers on Excel and Csv files.
- When updating an Import definition with a different Worksheet name in the Excel file a normal error message is shown.
- When a record fails to import, the title of the document, or loginname will be reported also.
- Details about skipped records are logged in the UmbracoLog table.
- Fixed YSOD is shown when media rootfolder of advanced setting is deleted.
- Fixed publishDate property isn't updated in content import.
2.2.1 Update Release:
- Added support for 4.8.0
- Fixed Scheduled task doesn't run when mapped as different user
- Tree gets automatically refreshed when logging in after install
- Updated Umbraco License dll
2.2 Update Release
- Added a new Excel component that doesn't require anything installed on the server
- Added support for uBlogsy
- Fixed concat of large text elements in Excel
- Wordpress v1.1 and above export format not recognized
- Parents of structured import don't get published
- Media zip gives validation error in Import dashboard
2.1.1 Update Release
- Added support for Digibiz Advanced Media Picker V2 (only when DAMP is configured for the default Umbraco Image and File mediatypes)
2.1 Update Release
- Added import dashboard for use on the content section
- Added media import support for Ucomponents Multi Node Tree Picker
- Added instructions for media import
- Added warning message when changing document type.
- Added CMSImport Icon (Thanks to Arnold Visser @aim24)
- Fixed installer didn't use dbo prefix to install tables
- Fixed assign null values in some cases didn't work
- Fixed upload fieldadapter not working in 2.0.
2.0.1 Bugfix Release
- Added support for Open Calais datatype
- Updated save method, only save when all data is mapped to avoid state issues
- Fixed Autopublish on recursive imported documents
- Fixed Passord mapping for members always returned empty string
- Fixed Can't assign date values from sql server
- Fixed Can't assign boolean values from sqlserver
- Fixed:Default values work on Date datatype also
2.0 Major release
- Breaking change. FieldAdapters doesn't support media options anymore. Fieldadaptersettings for media are replaced with the Advanced Field settings.
- Added support for structured import of content
- Added support for advanced field settings
- Added support for Teacommerce and Uwebshop out of the box
- Added support for MS access and MS Excel datasources (Requires a driver to be installed)
- Added suport for BlogML, Rss and Wordpress Datasources
- Added support for attributes on an Xml File
- Added optional enable/disable DataAdapters
- Added Tab and Alias info when mapping columns
- Added Last run info screen for Scheduled tasks
- Added FamFamFam Icons by Mark James (
- Added copy datasource to child import if it's using the same datasource
- Fixed Days persistence error on scheduled task screen
- Fixed update option is disabled by default when starting cmsimport from the content node
- Fixed Codearea used for settings screen
- Fixed When related image can't be found exception is thrown
1.2 Service release
- Added support for Umbraco 4.6
- Added membername mapping for memberpickers
- Fixed CSV Comment issue
- Fixed breaking on memberlogins that contains null
- Fixed fieldadapters on fixed properties never got hit
- Fixed Scheduler not always runs on the scheduled date/time
1.1 Update release
- Added support for FieldAdapters to modify data during import
- Added support for Content related media import
- Added Pre Save event
- Added CMSImport.Extensions DLL
- Added option to ignore update options
- Fixed Several CSV options
- Fixed save path of cmsimport.config file
- Fixed errormessages for dataadapters
- Fixed rendering tree titles when switching sections in V4.5
- Fixed Validate state onload for saved options